Earth Protect Squad is a military force that is tasked with protecting Earth from a shocking alien invasion that has managed to destroy all of the world’s military bases. In your play Earth Protect Squad, your primary goal will be to lead the Earth Protect Squad to destroy the alien enemies which have landed on Earth.
How to Download and Play Earth Protect Squad on PC:
Download, Install and Play Earth Protect Squad on your Windows PC or MAC with mobile app emulators for free.
- Download & Install Bluestacks. Alternatively, you can use Memu or Nox.
- Register new or connect your old Gmail/Google Play account.
- Go to the search box in the emulator and type “Earth Protect Squad”
- Click the “Install” button next to the game and wait for the apk to finish downloading.
- That is it, click Play! Enjoy Earth Protect Squad for your desktop/laptop PC!
Platforms: Android | iOS | Windows 7/8/8.1/10/XP/Vista | MacOS
Why Download Earth Protect Squad for PC | Main Features:
It’s a third-person shooter.
If your go-to shooters are third-person shooters you’re in luck as Earth Protect Squad is a third-person shooter. Better yet you’ll even be able to alter the way that your soldiers look.
Choose your weapons for each mission carefully.
Before you start each mission you’ll have a chance to select specific weapons to clear your mission. You’ll even be able to modify your weapons to give yourself a strategic advantage in your mission. For example, you may find that changing your chosen weapon’s scope or ammo type may help you win your next mission.
Choose your secondary weapon carefully.
As well as being able to choose a primary weapon for each mission you’ll also be able to choose a secondary weapon. Make sure to select your secondary weapon carefully as you’ll easily be able to toggle between your two weapons during missions.
Use grenades to your advantage.
One way to cause a quick distraction is to use a hand-thrown grenade. Especially when you find yourself up against a dozen enemies. Just be sure to use your grenades strategically as you don’t have unlimited grenades to throw around.
Use several different tactics to pass your missions.
For example not only will you be able to deploy highly trained soldiers but you’ll also be able to use battle bots and force fields to your squad’s advantage.
Use med packs to increase your health.
In order to increase your health bar ensure to stock plenty of med packs. Especially when your forces are about to encounter dozens of potentially deadly alien enemies.
Don’t forget to train your forces.
While it may be tempting to rush into mission after mission in order to avoid hitting a wall and coming up against enemies that are too powerful for your squad it’s important to invest time into training your forces. Ideally, you should work on training your forces between every mission that you take on.
Each mission which you accept will offer a unique challenge.
Unfortunately many games require players to grind through repetitive missions that require little skill or strategy. However, Earth Protect Squad offers a wide variety of varied challenges that ensure that gameplay is varied and that you won’t get bored easily.
Use your ammo carefully.
As Earth Protect Squad was designed to be challenging to complete you’ll have to learn to conserve your ammo and to make every shot count as ammo in Earth Protect Squad is limited.
So if you’re a fan of third player shooters and are ready to defend planet Earth against evil alien forces it’s well worth downloading and playing Earth Protect Squad!
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